CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Volunteers: please share with your new families


club Advisors/volunteers: Find important information and forms below

For Club Leaders

2025 Summary of Livestock Changes

Volunteer Update PowerPoint Slide Decks

4-H Club Management Resources, Policies & Procedures

Click on the following link to be taken to the state 4-H website where the most up to date information and forms can be found. You will find information on food service, cloverbuds, general policies & procedures, membership information, and other items of interest, including how to use the 4-H Name & Emblem correctly.

Click HERE to go to the Ohio 4-H website for more information

Club Finance Information 

Click HERE to go to the Ohio 4-H website for the most up to date forms and information regarding finances for your club. Financial reporting, tax exemption information, IRS application for EIN, club constitution. You can also print the Transaction Register, Club Dues Sheet, and Fundraising Report, as well as see sample reports of each.

Yearly Financial Summary - DUE BY ENROLLMENT 2025

Choose one way to submit your club's yearly financial information

  1. Complete Online: Club Financial Yearly Summary - if after clicking on this you get a "Please wait..." message do the following: DOWNLOAD the file by saving it to your computer. Then you may open the form and complete it, and you can email it to our office.
  2. Fillable PDF: Club Financial Yearly Summary - print and bring with club enrollment papers.
Other Club Financial Information & Forms

End of 4-H Year items

If you'd like to order member year pins or have the Extension Office print certificates for your club members, please contact us.