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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


More and more elementary and middle school classrooms across Ohio are becoming involved in 4-H School Enrichment programs. Students in the programs learn difficult science concepts through a variety of hands-on activities, developing valuable science skills as they apply science to real-life situations. For More Information about the Erie County 4-H School Enrichment Program, contact the Extension Office at 419-627-7631.


Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Students can learn that and much more through the 4-H School Enrichment Program.  That's right!  4-H isn't only in local clubs.  It's in local schools!

Presently 4-H in the Classroom involves local teachers and students in preschool, as well as Kindergarten through the sixth grade.  Together they use 4-H in science, math, language arts, art, social studies, and social skills activities.  The 4-H curriculum enhances student learning through effective hands-on activities which allow students to apply what they lean to real life situations, increase student’s interest and understanding of science, math and develop personal life skills.

The ChickQuest chicken embryology project is the most popular school enrichment program in Erie County.  Through the program, youth become familiar with the parts of an egg, its nutritional value, and how the egg develops into a chick.  The program includes activities to extend the knowledge that the students have gained.  Testing the strength of an egg shell, observing the stages of a developing embryo, and watching the fertile egg hatch are only a few of the fascinating activities in which students participate.  Provided to all participating teachers, the teacher manual includes lesson plans, camera-ready student handouts, and information on additional resources.

OSU Extension will provide the incubator and fertilized eggs, for participating classrooms.  We will provide classroom set-up of the incubator and a basic lesson to start the unit. Costs include $10 per incubator(s) and (approximately) $10 per dozen of fertilized eggs.  Teachers must find homes for the chicks.  Contact names and phone numbers of individuals in the community who may be interested in providing a home for your chicks will be provided.

If you would like to take part in this 'egg-citing' program, contact OSU Extension, at 419/627-7631.

Rockets Away

Get ready to blast off for an awesome action packed adventure in math, engineering, aerospace, and physics with the study of rocketry.  Watch the interest of the students soar to new heights as lessons focus on motion, gravity, and aerodynamics.

Activities will help students understand and apply Newton’s three Laws of Motion, observe the relationship between force and mass, and test turbulence.  The teacher manual comes complete with lesson plans.  OSU Extension will help with the Rocket Launch if requested.